
Welcome to my blog about Web 2.0 tools! Web 2.0 tools help people create and communicate easily. These can be used in the classroom in many ways.

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Monday, July 21, 2014

Intel Seeing Reason Tool


There are various Intel Thinking Tools available to teachers to enhance their instructions.  One of Intel’s tools is called the Seeing Reason tool.  This tool allows students to create diagrams which show causality.  I was pretty excited when I found this Web 2.0 tool.

The teacher sets up the workspace for the students by assigning groups and passwords.  Students or groups working together then sign in and start creating their diagram.  Students put factors in boxes, choosing their color.  Then they link them together using the tool.  Colors and thickness of the arrows indicate the extent of the relationship.  When projects are complete, or even during the process, the teacher can leave comments about the diagram.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this information about this tool. I had not heard of it before. It seems like the graphics are quite outdated in this program, but the usefulness is there in my opinion. Much like Prezi, this allows a user to back up and see a project in its totality, including the way the the elements of the project fit with one another.
