
Welcome to my blog about Web 2.0 tools! Web 2.0 tools help people create and communicate easily. These can be used in the classroom in many ways.

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Monday, July 21, 2014

ThingLink - Graphic Representations of Knowledge in the Classroom

ThingLink can be used in many ways in the classroom.  A graphic can provide background knowledge or an introduction to content, where teachers can use a scavenger hunt to hold students accountable for their learning from the graphic.  The content introduced could be professional development for teachers, where there are numerous websites of tools they can explore. 
Students can create ThingLinks as an alternative to the standard report, especially a research report.   

At the beginning of the year, students can upload an avatar of themselves and tag the picture with information about themselves, as a get-to-know-you type of activity.  A teacher could upload a picture appropriate to a specific unit and each student is responsible for tagging the image with a particular piece of information and a supporting website.  Students could tag a picture with a relevant process/sequence.  They could create a ThingLink with a geographical location and tag it with historical, tourist, or political information.

I made 3 ThingLinks to be used as a part of a math unit, designed to give students practice in making their own word problems.  In the lesson, each student will pick one picture to write a word problem about, tagging it.  Here are the choices: Ballpark and Music. Here is the sample (which is also a possible choice):

81+ Interesting Ways to Use ThingLink in the Classroom

 Coming Soon: An example lesson plan

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